
Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I complain about Hawaii a lot.  I complain about everywhere I live a lot.  Actually-I just complain a lot.
I could go on and on about the things I hate about Hawaii-but there are also a lot of things I LOVE about Hawaii.  I just don't voice my opinion about those things so much.
I wonder all the time why on earth I am here.  I know everything happens for a reason and as I have reflected I have started to see the blessings that have come from living here. 
One blessing that really sticks out to me is that living here has made me so proud to be an American.  I know that sounds silly-arent we all proud to be Americans?  Well, sometimes I cry about it-that is how proud I am. I have become an emotional person at my ripe old age of 21. 
But I REALLY am so Proud!  In a healthy way.
I see people here who talk about where they came from and they really do realize how great The United States is.  Some don't, but a lot do.
This is where people want to live.  Our freedoms here are known throughout the world. 
I know our country is not perfect-I get that.  But Our country has done more good for the world than any other.  Our Military is amazing, and protects the freedoms of so many people-even those who aren't Americans. 
When I went to Pearl Harbor with my family 2 weeks ago we were able to see a Naval ship that was leaving to go underway for a while.  All of the soldiers were lined up on the deck of the massive ship and were dressed up in their white suits and stood saluting as they the Harbor.  I really felt the strength and beauty of our country at that moment.  It was such a beautiful thing to see.  It was probably what touched me most while I was there.  And I looked and saw a woman waiting on a pier till the ship was out of view.  She was probably saying goodbye to her husband for months. 
People sacrifice a lot for our freedom still. 
I am proud to an American.  I feel incredibly blessed to be born when I was and into the most powerful and influential country in the world.  One that was built upon the shoulders of great men.  And God was the center of their reasoning.
I am also proud to be from Michigan.  There is a new Chrysler commercial that talks about detroit-the motor city, and I love it.  It makes me so proud to be from that state. 
I am trying to complain less.  It is a work in progress.  My husband can testify that it is a slow one.  But being greatful for what I do have is the first step.

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